Tag Archives: Bluebell

Oriental Flare For Isi Peters

  • Isi Peters models with Emma Crompton 4

It was oriental flare and 70s cool for model Isi Peters test shoot.

The J'adore model joined forces with Bluebell to model for photographer Emma Crompton on set at the UCLA in Preston.

Isi said: "This was my first studio shoot with a fellow model from J'adore, Bluebell, styling the shoot so there was added pressure to do well in front of her.

"It was lovely to meet Bluebell as she gave me a bit more of an insight into the modelling world and what I was getting myself into.

"The theme was a mix between oriental and 70s fashion so as you can imagine there was lots of clashing oriental prints and flaired pants. It was really cool to work in a studio and with a digital camera as it was completely different from my first photos shoot."

The images will be used as part of Emma's studies and will help to form part of Isi's portfolio. Emma was assisted by Jason Rose and the MUA was Beth Anderson.

Follow Isi on her official Facebook page, on Twitter @Isipeters or on Instagram and via her J'adore page.

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